"Exploring the Mabi Forest"

Our Story
Welcome to our RV & Nature Park, situated on our Maize farming property. We Trust that you will enjoy the peaceful & tranquil experience our park has to offer, surrounded with the ambience of our natural environment.
Since 1967 Maize was always grown were our park is situated and along the river flats of the Barron. Throughout the years we were forever struggling with rats and bandicoots attacking our crop and during the flood years our crop would get washed away into the Barron.
Farming has always been our passion. Therefore to compensate for the loss that was occurring we decided to try a little agri-tourism and to take approximately 20 acres of mabi flats out of production and revegetate it back to Mabi Forest.
Our Tourism venture began in 1994, when a small Cairns Japanese Tour Operator, seeking to view platypus in the Barron River, approached us to try tourism.
We have a 1km walkway along the banks of the Barron River enabling you to easily spot the elusive platypus 99% of the time and an increasing amount of nocturnal wildlife.
Our revegetation venture began in 2006, with the Green Corridor Project, through a partnership between Barron Catchment Care (BCC), Treat, Volunteers and funding from Cairns Airport.
Throughout this revegetation venture we are slowly returning the lower Maize growing areas back to Mabi Forest and over time it is enhancing the tourism experience and compensating the losses incurred from our Maize crops.
Together with all of this a small RV Park has evolved where Grey Nomads have a great spot nestled between Maize paddocks and Mabi Forest to enjoy and relax in.
Our Bird Life

4756 Gillies Range Road
Atherton Queensland 4883 Australia
Phone: 0429 682 953